Geological Museum

Rua Banco da Província, 105 - Santa Teresa | Porto Alegre/RS – Zip Code.: 90840-030.

Opening hours:
Visits occur on business days, from 9am to 12am and from 2pm to 5pm.

The museum only conducts guided tours under scheduling, providing a technician who guides visitors.

Phone: (51) 3406-7300

About the Museum

The Geological Museum was created inside the Porto Alegre Regional Branch in January 1995. Its mission is to promote geosciences, showing the beauty of the mineral kingdom and spreading its scientific foundations.

The collection has minerals from 23 Brazilian states and 52 other countries, comprising rarities such as tectites, meteorites and borax minerals (which Brazil does not produce), as well as rough (100 types) and cut (62 types) precious stones. One of the highlights of the collection is lulzaquita, a mineral that became known in the early 2000s, which is probably the only specimen in Brazil.