Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

Here we present the frequently asked questions about the activities performed by the Geological Survey of Brazil - CPRM or the actions within its competence.

How to get books and maps?

To get these products, simply contact the Customer Support Service - SEUS:

How to get maps or geology data in shape file format?

Maps or data of interest can be downloaded from the GeoSGB download area, our collection of Geoscience data, information and products, such as geological maps at various scales, where you can also find other formats, such as .kml.

How to get land-cover and land-use maps?

These maps are currently produced by Embrapa Solos.

Where can I find on this website the scientific production provided by the company?

Scientific articles related to research on CPRM's various areas of activity are listed in RIgeo.

How to request water analysis?

For operational reasons, the Mineral Analysis Laboratory - LAMIN is not performing analysis for private customers until further notice.

With whom to talk about mining related issues?

Mining activity issues are the responsibility of the National Mining Agency - ANM. Thus, we suggest reporting to their Ombudsman's office.

I would like to get samples of rocks and minerals, what is the procedure?

Contact the Geological Museum, located in the Porto Alegre Regional Branche.

How do I market gemstones?

CPRM does not sell gems. We recommend contacting the Caixa Econômica Federal for guidance.

How to evaluate a jewel?

CPRM clarifies that it does not perform jewelry evaluation or has a register of companies that do it, but develops activities of economic geology, prospecting and mineral economy, having as main goal the gathering of geological information in order to characterize the economic potential of occurrences, deposits, mineral districts and provinces of Brazil, and promote knowledge about the genesis of deposits already identified. A suggestion is to contact Caixa Econômica Federal for a possible evaluation.

Where can I find CPRM employee information?

CPRM explains that its staff includes geologists, engineers, senior professionals from other areas and support professionals. To find a CPRM staff member, we suggest you visit Staff.